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Nicholas D. Brown

metal worker

Since 1999, Metalys has been servicing all of San Diego. Our Mission is to work diligently and efficiently with every client ensuring a smooth and painless process, while we make their vision into reality. Etiam mollis interdum augue ut sollicitudin.

With our knowledge and experience, it is our goal to attend to our clients needs, going above and beyond their expectations. Long's Welding is your choice for the highest quality and most innovative ideas in iron metal works and ornamentals.

Our services include design-build engineering, project management, fabrication and installation.


My Colleagues

Weldo Metal Fabrication

S.C. TWOMAR NEW MEGACONSTRUCT S.R.L. este o companie de prelucrări metalice înființată în anul 2009 care răspunde cu profesionalism la cerințele tot mai diversificate ale clienților săi, aflându-se într-un permanent proces de perfecționare.

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